Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Santa Ana Wind Chimes Massacre

Those of you who are not blessed to live in ScCal have never had to deal with the Santa Ana Winds--a weather event that sends hot, dry gales throughout the region. While they can blow at any time of year the “Santa Anas” most often come in the fall--and when they do it’s always trouble. (Our new home is right at the mouth of Trabuco Canyon so we get to experience them a lot more than we ever have before.) This past Thursday (November 13) we had a particularly bad event--which woke up Robyn and I a lot earlier than we would have liked. (We have three sets of wind chimes on our patio.) I wrote this little bit of doggerel (with Robyn‘s help) to commemorate the event. It is meant to be sung to the tune of Folsom Prison Blues. I blatantly ripped off the title from The Oklahoma Weed Whacker Massacre by Mercedes Lackey so I dedicate this to her.
The accompanying fractal is Desert Storm--which I picked for obvious reasons (at least if you know about Santa Ana Winds…)
I hear them chimes a-ringin’
I’m awake at just past Four
They’re bangin’ and a-clangin’
Outside the slidin’ door
I see the Santa Anas just came back to town
An’ if them chimes don’t stop their racket
We’ll have to take ‘em down!
They jingle and they rattle
They’re makin’ lots of noise
The whole neighborhoods awake an’
Everyone’s annoyed
The Santa Ana Winds
Sure brought some sorry times
And all the neighbors hate us
‘Cause of our damn wind chimes
But still we’re feelin’ lucky
In spite of all the grief
The Santa Ana’s diein’ down
We’ll soon get some relief
At least there weren’t no fire
Threatenin’ our town
Unlike poor Montecito
Which just burned to the ground

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Random Act of Free Verse

Today's post begins with a fractal called Autumn Flower. It seemed appropriate for a poem about October: the poem has no title, but I suppose you could call it "October Turns" if you must give it a name.
October Turns

October Turns
To festivals and family as the days grow short.
October Turns
To hearth-fires as the nights grow long and chill.
October Turns
To hearth-fires as the nights grow long and chill.
October Turns
To misty, cool-shouldered mornings.
October Turns
To buttery golden afternoons.
October Turns
To velvet nights alive with stars.

October Turns
To sudden heat infused with summer airs.
October Turns
To shades of red and gold.
October Turns
To fields heavy with harvest and gardens ready to sleep

October Turns
To wool and flannel, to hats and gloves.
October Turns

To a word waiting for winter
October Turns

Monday, May 26, 2008

Remember: a poem for Memorial Day

Every now and then I'm struck by a random act of poetry. Saturday May 24 was such a day. The whole poem more-or-less entered my mind in one piece. I jiggered it a bit and present the final result for your entratainment. The accompanying fractal is called Rose Window.

Remember our Nation’s DeadT
he soldiers who fought and diedThose who took up arms to serve as need.
They died doing what they could.
Honor them.
Remember the Unknown Dead.
The ones with nobody to mourn their passing.
Those who are lost. Those who are alone.
The world is a sadder place for their loss.
Weep for them.
Remember your Family Dead.
The Mothers and Fathers who shaped you.
Those good people who cared for you.
Those who were always there no matter what.
Love them.
Remember the Living.
The children, good friends and strangers all.
Those who walk the road of life with you.
They are your fellow travelers.
Help them.
Remember Yourself.
The only constant you have though your whole life.
That which is uniquely and especially you.
For you are special.