Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thus one was inspired by Robyn's Mom...

Today's post b3gins with a fractal called Roses for Mother since it was Robyn's Mom who inspired the work. She once said: "you're so talented and creative--why can't you clean up after yourself?" and I was off and running. In the end I think it expresses the frustration that parents often feel with their children. And, as you can see--I've also been writing silly doggerel for many, many years. (I've also been doing strange things with capitalization . . .)

Can you hear my silent song?
A chordless melody
Can you reach the farthest star
And bring it down to me?
* * *
Can you say some garbled words
That cast a Spell of Love?
Can you climb the Stair of Smoke
That leads to Realms Above?
* * *
Can you see the Mystic Jewel,
The Key to the Crystal Maze?
Can you shine a Bacon Light
To penetrate the Haze?
* * *
Now can you move the World for me
And make the Sun stand still?
Then can you turn the Moon to cheese
And then go eat your fill?
* * *
My dear your gifts are great enough
To halt onrushing Doom.
But though you do these won'd'rous things
Why can't you clean your room?
* * *

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