Thursday, March 22, 2007

On Creative Commentary

This is one I wrote a long time ago during a Creative Writing class way back in college. I presented what I thought was a very serious, very deep peom--only to have one of the class members call it "Artsy Fartsy" while someone else labeled it as "Cutsey-poo." I was a little hurt so I went home and wrote this in response.
The fractal is called Voidstar. I picked it for now good reason other than I liked it.

"Artsy-fartsy," "cutsie-poo!"
Pray these names fall not on you.
For high-flown lines and lyric tone
Bore me through from fat to bone.
Hidden meanings, metaophor phrase.
Twelve-letter words and other ways
Of showing us all how smart you are.
It's really sad you've gone too far.
Yet still I wish you much elation
As you display your new creation.
I know it's coming from your heart--see?
I just wish it weren't so Artsy Fartsy!

1 comment:

Running Water said...

The fractal reminds me of a Star of David....interesting why you chose it to accompany that particular poem....

Running Water

"Works of art are indeed always products of having been in danger, of having gone to the very end in an experience, to where man can go no further." (from Letters - Rilke)